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WFDB Launches Fundraising Campaign for COVID Relief in India
The World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) has launched a campaign, Diamond Aid, to raise funds to help India in its battle with COVID-19.
Yesterday, the WFDB Executive Committee held an emergency session over Zoom, and decided unanimously to take the lead in mobilizing the international diamond and jewelry industry to donate.
The goal of the fundraising campaign, organized in coordination with the leadership of the Bharat Diamond Bourse, is to purchase essential medications and equipment that are desperately needed by hospitals in Surat and Mumbai.
Diamond Aid is a multi-pronged campaign that is being launched through personal appeals to industry leaders, press, internet and social media.
WFDB President Yoram Dvash said, “The international diamond and jewelry industry is a close-knit community, actually a family, made up of members from around the globe, many of whom live or originate in India. As members of this family, we cannot stand by without helping.
The WFDB has decided to take the lead in helping our Indian brothers. We call upon the generosity of our industry to help the people of India through this devastating time.”
For further information and to donate please go to: https://campaign.wfdb.com/<https://webversion.net/990FF4DD61F0BF79103798...